

 正如你所見,她要回來了…Michelle Branch


【試聽 - Michelle Branch - Sooner or Later】

已嫁作人妻的Michelle Branch,在2005年結識好友Jessica Harp和她組個鄉村樂團「The Wreckers」廣受鄉村界的好評,2007年時因為合約到期,也使得團體解散,這兩人也再度展開了單飛的旅程,從去年2008年傳出要發行專輯不止一次的Michelle Brach,專輯的錄製和收歌也已經大功告成,但卻像這首「Sooner or Later」的歌名一樣遲遲沒有下文,當然在這段時間她也沒有閒著,在去年為電影牛仔褲的夏天第二集原聲帶獻譜一曲「Together」,在今年與搖滾歌手Chris Isaak合唱一首「I Lose My Heart」,若有興趣的話可以到水管上找一找


若不把團體時期的專輯算在內,Michelle已經六年沒發專輯了,現在正等待華納公佈發行日期,目前為止公佈了專輯名稱為「Everything comes and goes」,然而她也說過這張專輯會是一張鄉村專輯,所以可能還期待會有像前兩張專輯一樣清新搖滾就要有點失望了,首波主打從聽到令人無聊發慌的「This Way」換成這首好聽又不跳針的「Sooner or Later」,這首歌曲的詞其實意境和「All You Wanted」的差別不大,同樣都是在呢喃著內心感情世界;而目前首波主打「Sooner or Later」正在拍攝MV中,再度請來了曾幫她拍攝「Everywhere」「All You Wanted」的導演Liz Friedlander

可以確定的是Michelle Branch會加入這場年底的眾家歌手爭霸戰,但勢必就會和Taylor Swift,Carrie Underwood一起競爭,對於現在一點殺傷力和曝光率很低的Michelle,可能成績會不太好看,另外Jessica Harp的專輯「A Woman Needs」也即將要發行,第一主打是「Boy Like Me」…

當然若有時間的話下次再把前兩張專輯拿來說說心得,畢竟「The Spirit Room 盒裝心靈」是我心中所愛的專輯名列前矛

【Live - Michelle Branch - Sooner or Later】

Lipstick, pretty face and maybe you'll notice
Something different 'bout me, different 'bout me
Yeah you talk talk all you want, you pour your heart out
But you never do see, you never do see me

Hey, can't wait around forever for you

Sooner or later you're gonna come around
And you'll be sorry when you figure out
That I was always everything that you needed
Sooner or later you're gonna wish you had me
Yeah, you're gonna wish you had me

Well she don't do nothing for you
But mess you up, yeah she messes you up
I'm your shoulder I'm the quick drive over
Trying to fix your stuff, well I give up

Ooh, you never see me standing right in front of you

Sooner or later you're gonna come around
And you'll be sorry when you figure out
That I was always everything that you needed
Sooner or later you're gonna wish you had me
Yeah, you're gonna wish you had me

Oh you're gonna wish me back so bad, so bad
Oh but it's a little too late for that

Lipstick, pretty face, and maybe you'll notice
Something different about me, different about me

Sooner or later you're gonna come around
And you'll be sorry when you figure out
That I was always everything that you needed
Sooner or later, oh

Sooner or later you're gonna come around
And you'll be sorry when you figure out
That I was always everything that you needed
Sooner or later you're gonna wish you had me, oh
You're gonna wish you had me, oh
You're gonna wish you had me, oh
You're gonna wish you had me
Oh you're gonna wish you had me

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