新專輯《Play On》的封面;這封面應該是在告訴我們,不是只有泰勒小妹(Taylor Swift)可以裝可愛的,老娘要清純要美艷都有本錢!
「MV - Carrie Underwood - Cowboy Casanova」
若無法播放請自行在Carrie Underwood的官方YouTube試聽,謝謝
身為木下的台灣北縣區代言人的我,實在有義務要幫木下發這篇文;也許是面臨粉絲團非常強大的泰勒妹(Taylor Swift)襲擊,咱們家的木下(Carrie Underwood)在拍攝專輯的宣傳照,也打破了以往穿著保守的村姑風格,穿著品味更提高年輕化,在視覺上給人一種清新,青春,健康的少女形象;不曉得是不是精神壓力太大,還是行銷公司另有陰謀,就如我所說「這張封面很適合拿來放在早餐店,看到專輯封面時突然覺得好想喝杯豆漿」,是不是想把木下打造成美之城早餐店的代言人有待查,但我已經可以幫她想好側標了「營養.美味.又可口」,就讓木下進軍早餐界吧!
蟬連三屆葛萊美鄉村最佳女歌手得主Carrie Underwood,即將在十一月三號發行個人的第三張錄音室專輯《Play On》,正當列出專輯製作人的報導時,看到Ne-Yo這個人的名字應該讓不少人都嚇了一小跳,難道我們的木下也想去唱R&B不成?也希望Ne-Yo發揮他編曲的功力,不要在把所有的歌都套上一樣的曲了;另外還有Max Martin(Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys)先擬測這張專輯會是怎麼的走向了,看來木下往電音之路不遠了…
首波主打就是上面的那首「Cowboy Casanova」,歌詞大膽的描寫著獨立自主觀感,也許是承襲著「Before He Cheats」「Last Name」的成功,讓這首曲調編曲也相當雷同,但這首歌一直不斷讓我想起香奶娃(Shania Twain)的「Man! I Feel Like A Woman」,巧妙的融合了搖滾樂與鄉村樂的基調性,豪放的擊鼓重重的打在每一個節拍上,是一首爽朗不羈的好歌!
Written: Carrie Underwood, Brett James, Mike Elizondo
You better take it from me, that boy is like a disease
You're running, you're trying, you're trying to hide
And you're wondering why you can't get free
He's like a curse, he's like a drug
You get addicted to his love
You wanna get out but he's holding you down
'Cause you can't live without one more touch
He's a good time, cowboy casanova
Leaning up against the record machine
Looks like a cool drink of water
But he's candy-coated misery
He's the devil in disguise
A snake with blue eyes
And he only comes out at night
Gives you feelings that you don't want to fight
You better run for your life
I see that look on your face
You ain't hearing what I say
So I'll say it again
'Cause I know where you been
And I know how it ends
You can't get away
Don't even look in his eyes
He'll tell you nothing but lies
And you wanna believe
But you won't be deceived
If you listen to me
And take my advice
Run run away
Don't let him mess with your mind
He'll tell you anything you want to hear
He'll break your heart
It's just a matter of time
But just remember
Oh you better run for your life