


首先發佈一則有關於近日血崩天后里歐娜 Leona Lewis傳出遭人毆打的消息,在自傳《Dreams》的新書發表會上,遭一名不明男子揮拳毆打,原因不明,但據傳是The X Factor同屆的參賽者,目前也還在調查當中,另外,此處有當日遭人攻擊的影片『請點這裡』,希望不要在臉上留下任何疤痕,向來謙虛有禮的里歐娜會遭人毆打,實在是太出乎意料之外,也希望早日養好傷,來首「Happy」安慰自己吧!


【MV - Leona Lewis - Happy】


  此部MV是去古巴當地取景,而在以往嘗試著扮演著苦情女的Leona,又有了新的角色可以揣摩,之前的角色不就是因為無法相愛但卻一直堅持流血的「Bleeding Love」;不然就是分手後自我療傷緬懷的「Better In Time」;而這次是飾演著「林老母勒!新娘又不是我」的角色,由知名導演Jack Nava掌鏡將許多角度抓入其中,讓人看了一目了然的自然,剛開始看還覺得有股異國情掉的唯美在,想不到最後以剪片拚湊的手法,將劇情緊湊的直接轉彎急下,看到最後真的是一股大混亂,有種迅雷不急掩的速度,如果這是放在電影的預告片那我還大大可接受,但,這根本是在挑戰觀眾的眼力吧!

  在十一月十七號在美國即將發行第二張個人專輯《Echo》,目前已經有不少歌曲流露出來,可以在YouTube上試聽;首波主打單曲「Happy」是由Ryan Tedder擔綱製作,擅長將歌曲編曲成為氣勢滂沱的感覺,已在不少歌迷的心中有了正面評價,上張專輯的首波主打「Bleeding Love」則是出自他製作,並成為2008年最熱賣的單曲,還有近期的Jordin Sparks - Battlefield, Beyonce - Halo, Kelly Clarkson - Already Gone等等通通也都出自Ryan Tedder之手

而單曲「Happy」在我一開始聽並無其它感想,直到我看了幾場像是Diva's Live, America's Got Talent等現場表演後,才覺得好感度提升,尤其到最後的高音花腔部分,Leona 總是可以非常細膩的處理,也不會分岔,轉音技巧也是非常自然流暢,所謂台上十分鐘台下十年功,唱歌一把罩的Leona或許她努力磨練多少年,也許這就是她的天賦,沒有人可以否認她的實力在,未來的新一代天后就看這位了!



Someone once told me that you have to choose
What you win or lose
You can't have everything
Don't you take chances
Might feel the pain
Don't you love in vain
Cause love won't set you free
I can't stand by the side
And watch this life pass me by
So unhappy
But safe as could be

So what if it hurts me?
So what if i break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Don't care about all the pain in front of me
Cause i'm just trying to be happy, yeah
Just wanna be happy, yeah

Verse 2:
Holding on tightly
Just can't let it go
Just trying to play my role
Slowly disappear, ohh
But all these days, they feel like they're the same
Just different faces, different names
Get me out of here
I can't stand by your side, ohh no
And watch this life pass me by, pass me by

So what if it hurts me?
So what if i break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Don't care about all the pain in front of me
Cause i'm just trying to be happy, ohh, happy, ohh

So any turns that i can't see,
like I'm a stranger on this road
But don't say victim
Don't say anything

So what if it hurts me?
So what if i break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Don't care about all the pain in front of me

I just wanna be happy
Ohh, yeah, happy, ohh, happy
I just wanna be, ohh
I just wanna be happy
Ohh, happy

    Leona Lewis 里歐娜 Happy
    創作者 Justin 的頭像


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