Trailer - The Joy Luck Club
這篇是我在大一的寫作課時候所寫的,教授給我們看完《喜福會 The Joy Luck Club》要我們找個感興趣的主題分析,這部電影其實可探討的層面頗深而且也有很多綜觀議題,我挑了一個最安全牌的主題 - 婚姻,雖說是最安全牌,但奉勸大家大一的寫作真的不要期望會好到哪裡去 ...。
Will Snow White be really happy ever after with Prince Charming?
After watching the blockbuster film《The Joy Luck Club》, which was original written by a renowned Chinese-American novelist Amy Tan, last week, I had so many thoughts coming down upon my mind about this movie, especially the discussible issues derived from tangled and complex relationship in marriage.
Let’s start with mother’s marriages. An-Mei’s mother, who lived in widowhood, was schemed to re-marry as a concubine to a middle-aged wealthy man, Wu-Tsing. (In ancient China, people regarded re-married widows as bad symbol, maybe still do up to the present.) As a result, An-Mei’s family considered it such a disgraced act based on Chinese traditional perspective, so they forbad her from entering the family home.
After An-Mei’s grandmother died, An-Mei opted to move out to live with the new family including the First, the Second, the Third Wife and Wu-Tsing and her mother. An-Mei knew that her mother was compelled into being Wu-Tsing’s concubine and losing her baby boy through manipulations of his cunning Second Wife. The stigma left An-Mei’s mother to live the rest of her miserable life; however she eventually committed suicide under too much pressure. She devoted herself to ensuring her children comfortable lives.
After watching this part, I can’t help wondering why widows have no choice but to remain the statues quo? What if your Prince Charming suddenly dies after you had been desperately searching for so long time. It’s kind of ironic. Cultural really have been unconsciously killing innocent people, mostly women. It proves that people held women in low esteem in ancient time. In addition, marrying to a wealthy man doesn’t mean you will be happy ever after, yet there could be more mistresses than you can image. I think it’s a warning reflection that the author wanted to tell us for one generation to another.
Another tragic case goes to Yin-Yin, Yin-Yin, who was born in an affluent family, always repressed her feeling and emotion as she grew up, because her family told Yin-Yin that Chinese girls should be meek and gentle. So she developed her passive personality which led herself to a miserable life. She just stood still and said nothing about her first husband’s extramarital relationship with other women. After they divorced, she married an American and even allowed him to take control most parts of her life. Nevertheless, she wasn’t happy for this because she found that in her daughter
Chinese cultural indirectly murdered plenty of women up to now. Why do Chinese women have to carry onerous burden for their entire lives? I think it’s a long-standing sexual discrimination against women in China. They don’t have right to fight for what they want, so they just reluctantly remain silent. Nevertheless, it doesn’t work nowadays. If you want a happy marriage in your rest of life, you must voice what you want, if not so, then you could lead a dull life no matter what gender you are.
For example, once Yin-Yin came to her daughter’s new house, she knew that something must be wrong with her daughter’s marriage, like what she said ”The table could collapse if you put one more thing on it”. It implies her daughter’s marriage. She told her daughter “What do you want from him?” Her daughter actually knew and said with tears “Respect and Tender” That’s my favorite part in the storyline. So her daughter asked her husband for that; however, they still got divorced in the end. At least, her daughter needn’t have to suffer from being humiliated by her husband’s “financial equality”. Each modern women have right to struggle for a delighted marriage.
The part of Lindo is the most interesting of the all plots. Although Lindo was forced to marry a little boy whose family was rich but traditional-minded through village matchmaker, Lindo was witty as though she were an uncontrollable horse. She would rather get rid of the chain of Chinese cultural than remain silent, which was different from An-Mei’s mother, An-Mei and Yin-Yin etc. And I really, truly appreciate it. That is what nowadays people should have.
Rose, An-Mei’s daughter, become tamely gentle after being a wife to her husband. But her husband gradually found her selfless and spiritless which contributed to a huge dark gap between them so they got divorced. And at the ending of Rose part, Rose really took courage to fight back for her possession of her house and won. It comforts watcher’s toppled minds. But what’s wrong with her marriage, and who made this false in this marriage after all? To be clarified …
譯:安梅的女兒 - 蘿絲在嫁給丈夫後變得像一名巧婦,但她丈夫逐漸發現她的付出非常無私卻也不像她自己了,這也形成他們之間倆深暗的鴻溝,所以他們離婚了,蘿絲在最後鼓起勇氣爭取了她小孩的扶養權與房子的擁有權,這也安撫了觀眾波濤洶湧的情緒,但她的婚姻到底出了甚麼錯?究竟是誰犯了錯?的確有待釐清 ...
Despite most of their unhappy marriages, all of them finally made an anti-cultural strike back. It was kind of connection between the author and us. I think Amy Tan wants to declare that everybody has right to love and be loved if you dare be in search for your true love. Go ahead and find your Prince/Princess Charming with Your Love!