【試聽 - Delta Goodrem - Woman】
此首「Woman」是由澳洲才女歌手Delta Goodrem所演唱,收錄於第三張專輯《Delta》內,Delta即便只發過三張專輯,但我認為她是最有實力成為一位天后的接班人,算是我最喜歡的一位澳洲女歌手;而今天要討論的這首「Woman」是由Steve Mac和Wayne Hector攜手創作的歌曲,歌詞句句生活化描述了女性與另一半情感的變質,我們都相信隨著時間的流逝都會讓感情一點一滴地消逝,曾經說的「妳好美」下一次又會到什麼時候才說?俗話說「女人心,海底雞(誤)」,Delta的音色清亮,高亢嘹喨的歌聲卻唱出了女人心最深處最渴望的事,毫無遺漏的將感情全部詮釋在歌曲之中,女性不再只是被動的一方,呈現出新世代女性主動的一面
【試聽 - Toni Braxton - Woman】
而上個月才剛發新專輯《Pulse》的R&B天后Toni Braxton也意外的翻唱了這一首「Woman」,製作人還找來王牌製作人David Foster,以交響樂勾提出濃郁的成人抒情風格,而唐妮這個版本,依我的見解下,她應該可以把前面兩個字母省略掉才是,不是我不喜歡唐妮,而是要對的人唱對的歌,她的聲音太雄性太悲苦了,好似一個心事重重的男人硬要裝成女人的樣子,「Woman」被她這麼一唱,情緒層面似乎染上了家暴疑雲的陰影,不但回家被喝醉的丈夫拳打腳踢,辛辛苦苦賺來的錢全部被丈夫搶去拿來養細姨,悲情指數絕對不會輸玫瑰桐鈴眼或是藍色水玲瓏;另外,家暴中心提醒,家暴防治的處裡,有許多協助方式,家暴當事人及時求助,可撥打113全國保護您專線,千萬不要因為傳統家醜不外揚的心態,錯過求助時機。
Lyrics 歌詞
Written|Steve Mac, Wayne Hector
I worked late but you didn't wait up
My bones ache and I'm cleaning the place up
Sometimes I don't even know why I care
I sit down take off my make-up
I lay down but you don't wake up
Sometimes I wonder if you know I'm there
I can't remember the last time you
Told me I'm beautiful and I can't remember
Last time that you said anything at all
I'm a woman
A woman with a heart
And I deserve your all
I'm not some girl who don't know what she wants
I'm a woman
And I need to be touched
And I need to be loved
'Cause being just your woman is not enough
Now I hope that you don't wake up
When it's too late to make up
You'll be the one that's alone and that's sad
In time you'll find somebody
The truth is she'll never be me
And that's when you're going to miss what we had
When all I really needed to hear was
"You're beautiful"
All I really needed to hear was anything at all
I'm a woman
A woman with a heart
And I deserve your all
I'm not some girl who don't know what she wants
I'm a woman
And I need to be touched
And I need to be loved
'Cause being just your woman is not enough
I'm not your friend who only needs you sometimes
And if I'm your lady
You got to treat me like...
I'm a woman
A woman with a heart
And I deserve your all
I'm not some girl who don't know what she wants
I'm a woman
And I need to be touched
And I need to be loved
'Cause being just your woman is not enough
A woman needs your heart
A woman needs your all
A woman needs your everything
I'm a woman
And I need to be touched
And I need to be loved
And I deserve your everything
I'm a woman
I'm a woman
I'm a woman